Always insight in your monthly costs? With the dashboard of mobile control you can always see the montly costs. Apart from that you can see directly if the usage is more or less than your average usage.
You will also have the ability to see where those costs come from, is it the data, the calling, SMS or a payservice? You can see it all in the dashboard when you log in. Do you have multiple divisions? Then you are able to see which division started to use more. These are a few examples of what you can do with the dashboard of Mobile Control.
As mentioned above, you could see the costs of the different types of usages for the month you want to see. These are specified in 4 groups: SMS, DATA, Conversation and Pay service. Within these 4 groups you can see what a certain division or person costs within the chosen group.
This will all be shown in graphs and tables. With these tables and graphs you can click step by step further into details, from organisation to department and from department to a user, this way you can directly see who uses what.
Directly in the overview you can see a world map, on this map are countries marked in which your organisation has called. In this overview you can click on a marked country and see how much people called in that country and how much it costs, and from there you can click on an employee to see what costs they made.