Business Framework
As a regular part of all the services that we deliver, we use of the “Business Framework”. This Business Framework is a unique service that is developed by E-Force ICT. The Business Framework is a customized system where your existing automation and website are brought together.
A lot of companies already have internal automation. Your stock administration might run like clockwork, the business software of companies like Unit4, AFAS or for example AccountView might work fine. A good CRM Package, payroll administration, everything does what it supposed to do…
‘On the other side’ stands a organisation as strong as an ox, but how do you show this to the public? How do you make sure that Sales always has the correct and most recent information? That dealers do see the prices but the customer do not? Who has access to what information?
In practice is connecting all of the data and software a time consuming job. E-Force ICT has found a solution for this.
With a ‘Business Framework’ that serves as a basic structure for all of your automation issues, we (and you!) kill two birds with 1 stone. We call it: ‘Standard customization’.